

For Astrology, the position of planets and stars in heaven, at the moment of birth, influences the personality of each one of us. Self-knowledge is a powerful tool for personal growth and a guide to life. However, only we can idealize and create our future. It is our capacity for action, which takes us further, which allows us to turn dreams into reality and look for what makes sense in our lives. There are no conditions to happiness dictated by the stars, but strength and light that help us to enhance our innate strengths and talents.

In more recent times, Astrology has become an increasingly popular tool for the understanding of human psychology and nature. The recognized validity of ancient studies on the energies of the Universe and our tireless search for answers and guides to action, has made it so na increasing number of people look for guidance in astrological teachings and Cosmic vibrations.

Modern astrologers continue to study the connection between the movements of the planets and life on earth, and believe there is a relation which connects Life with the Sun, the Moon and the Planets. Nevertheless, it is we who create and determine our life path, through the decisions we make and the risks we accept to take at every moment.

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